Monday, September 2, 2024

The Paris Cooking School

Having recently enjoyed reading A Secret Garden in Paris by Sophie Beaumont, I decided to read her previous novel set in Paris, The Paris Cooking School. I was not disappointed.

Sylvie Morel runs the Paris Cooking School where people from overseas countries can spend four weeks experiencing French cuisine. Eight people are in the class that Gabi Picabea and Kate Evans, two Australians, attend. The novel follows their experiences in France as they each endeavour to come to terms with other events in their lives as well as learning how to prepare French food. Sylvie has problems of her own as she discovers that someone is trying to sabotage the cooking school.

The stars of the book are Paris and the French food discussed in the book. As the cooking classes continue Gabi and Kate reassess their lives and how they want to live in the future. This is a book of friendship, love and hope as well as the magic of visiting the city of Paris, not to mention the mouth watering food.

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