Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Creeper

Ten years ago five people died while hiking in the mountains in north-east Victoria. Police officer Sally White has been alerted to increased public interest in the case caused by some of the media wanting interviews and the one survivor of the murdered group who plans to return to record a documentary with members of families of the victims. Her interest in the case increases when the brother of the man accused of the crime tells her he is undertaking his own investigations as he suspects that the police came to the wrong decision about the murderer.

As Sally investigates the cold case, she discovers that the members of the hiking group all had stories that had not been investigated as police at the time were convinced that they had the killer.

In The Creeper, Margaret Hickey has written another Australian crime thriller that, once started, readers will find difficult to put down until they have finished reading the book. As well as the descriptions of the inhabitants of Edenville, the mountains of the Victorian High Country are an important feature of this novel. Another excellent book by Margaret Hickey. 

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