Thursday, September 14, 2023

Fire with Fire

Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, at least that is what Ryan and Elsie Delaney believe as they take over the Hertzberg-Davis Forensic Laboratory with the intention of regularly destroying police laboratory samples until their daughter, aged five when she disappeared two years earlier, is found. They have also taken three hostages.

Fire with fire by Australian author, Candice Fox, is set in Los Angeles. While the LAPD and the SWAT teams are in place, police officer Charlie Hoskins and recently fired police recruit, Lynette Lamb, set out to discover what happened to Tilly Delaney. 

For five years Hoskins was under-cover with a ruthless bikie gang. Police recently raided the gang making many arrests however the three leaders are still at large and are after Hoskins. Forensic evidence relating to the gang that Hoskins collected is stored at the laboratory under siege. Lamb is furious at having been fired on her first day in the police force and wants to prove that she is more than capable of being a good police officer. Hoskins and Lamb make up a strange but determined team.

This is an action packed novel from start to finish with complex characters that we learn more about as the story progresses. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and I suspect that this is not the end of the investigations of Hoskins and Lamb.

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