Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Librarianist

Bob Comet is a retired librarian living alone in a house inherited after the death of his mother. He spends most of his time reading and going for an occasional walk. On one occasion he comes across an elderly woman standing still gazing at a display in a Seven / Eleven. Bob notices that she is wearing a lanyard which includes the name of the home where she lives so he guides her back to where she belongs. Bob is shown around the home and decides that he may be able to help as a volunteer. 

Gradually Bob gets to know the residents on his regular visits to the home. Then an event occurs that triggers Bob's memories of past events in his life - growing up in the 1940s including a time when he ran away from home, and his relationship with Connie and Ethan.

The Librarianist by Patrick deWitt is a book about self discovery and about relationships. It is about evaluating the events of the past in order to understand life in the present.  This story of the relationships of people sometimes on the edge of society is told with quiet humour.

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