Saturday, June 3, 2023

Home before midnight

Third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Melbourne and another curfew has been called. Everyone must be home by 8pm. Lou is worried. She is unable to contact her son Samuel to ensure that he knows about the impending curfew. He was going to visit his father but did not arrive. Lou becomes frantic. Samuel seems to have disappeared.

When Lou eventually hears from her son, he is evasive and hesitant about answering her questions. He indicates that he is staying with his girlfriend but Lou is not convinced that he is telling the truth. Where is her son and what has happened to him?

In Home  before midnight J. P. Pomare has written another psychological thriller that will keep the reader guessing. We know that Lou and her  ex - husband Marko have a secret but does it have any relation to the disappearance of their son? Lou knows that at all costs she must find Samuel and ensure that he arrives home safely.

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