Sunday, May 7, 2023

Did I ever tell you this? a memoir

Nigel Neill was born in Northern Ireland in 1947. When he was seven the family moved to New Zealand where he changed his name to Sam. Breaking into the film industry via New Zealand was difficult, as at the time films were not being made there, so he began his career learning to make documentaries. Eventually he decided to try his luck in Australia and over the years found himself making films and television productions in countries throughout the world, including New Zealand.

In Did I ever tell you this? a memoir, Sam Neill takes on the reader on a journey into his world mentioning some of the many films he has made and some of the actors with whom he has worked. When he wrote this book Sam was receiving treatment for blood cancer so he decided to write the memoir as a record of his life. The result is a largely entertaining, sometimes rambling, account of Sam's adventures in the entertainment industry and how he came to make some of the films. 

As well making films Sam also owns several vineyards and this has proved to be another successful project. He also has dabbled in architecture, particularly designing family homes in Australia and New Zealand. Reading this memoir allows the reader not only to get to know Sam Neill as a person but also to gain an overview from an insider into the making of films.

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