Sunday, October 2, 2022

Black River

A murder during the summer holidays at a private boys' school in Parramatta is investigated by a team of police from Sydney including Detective Sergeant Rose Riley and Detective Chief Inspector, Steve O'Neill. There are similarities in the case to the recent murder of two other women. Was the 'Blue Moon Killer' responsible? When Rose finds journalist, Adam Bowman, in the school grounds she escorts him off the premises but later decides that he may be able to assist the police. Adam had been at the school as a young boy and working with the police brings back memories of the past.

Black River is the first novel by former journalist, Matthew Spencer. Great detail is provided as the police team investigates the case with the assistance of a forensic psychiatrist, Wayne Farquhar. As the investigation continues Adam Bowman is convinced that the nearby river is the key to solving the crime. This is a novel that I wanted to keep reading to discover what happens next. Yet another excellent Australian crime novel.

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