Saturday, June 25, 2022

The Brisbane Line

Sergeant Joe Washington is in Brisbane in 1943 with the American Army. His role is to investigate crimes committed by American soldiers in the town but he has been warned not to interfere with investigations by the Australian police. He is currently investigating the disappearance of items from American stores, probably to be sold on the black market.When an American soldier is found murdered he becomes involved in that investigation as well especially as the Australian detective who is meant to be leading the investigation appears to be creating a cover for the potential murderer by arresting another person.

This is a work of fiction but J P Powell in her book, The Brisbane Line, has vividly described life in Brisbane when the Americans came to town and the mistrust that occurred between many Australians and members of the American Army. This book also provides an insite into the beginnings of the literary publication, Meanjin, and characters include literary figures including Judith Wright and Thea Astley. Frank Bischof, another character, was in the police force at the time and eventually became Police Commissioner until his sudden retirement when charges of police corruption were raised.

A number of other novels have been written about life in Brisbane during the Second World War including Meet me at Lennons.

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