Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Scotland: the autobiography

Rosemary Goring has edited this chronological collection of original writings, including poetry, about periods in Scottish history covering approximately 2,000 years. The subtitle of the book is 2,000 years of Scottish history by those who saw it happen.

An account of Agicola's fleet sailing in the Orkneys in AD c80 recounted by his son-in-law, Tacitus, is the earliest entry ending with the coming of power of the SNP in Scottish Parliament in 2007. In between there are accounts of battles such as the Battle of Bannockburn and the Battle of Flodden, accounts of inventions, sporting events, explorers, rulers plus excerpts from Scottish writers and poets. A bibliography and list of sources provide additional information while a detailed index and contents pages aid navigation throughout the 400 + pages. This is a book for dipping into to discover a variety of treaures revealing many aspects of the history of Scotland.

I was particularly interested in the article describing the discovery of the ancient settlement at Skara Brae, approximately 5,000 years old. For thousands of years this settlement had been covered by sand until a storm in 1850 partially uncovered it. A second storm in 1924 revealed more of the site. Excavation of the site began in 1928 and an account by the leader of the dig is provided as the first item in the book.

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