Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Lollipop Shoes

Another tale of chocolate and magic by Joanne Harris. The action of the first book in this series, Chocolat, was set during Lent leading to Easter. In this book the story takes place between Halloween and Christmas.

It is more than four years since we left Vianne Rocher and her daughter, Anouk, at the village of  Lansquenet-sous-Tannes where Vianne had a chocolate shop. They have now moved to Paris where Vianne (now using the name Yanne) has established another chocolaterie at Montmartre. Living with them is Rosette, Vianne's younger daughter who is about to turn four. Vianne has decided to leave the world of magic and witchcraft behind as she attempts to fit in and lead an 'ordinary' life. However this is proving to be difficult as her two daughters have 'accidents, proving that they too have magical abilities.

The lollipop shoes refers to shoes favoured by Zozie de l 'Alba, a major character in this book. Zozie, a collector of identities, decides to befriend Vianne and her young family when she realises that the powers that Vianne is obviously trying to hide may be useful to her. Vianne initially appreciates Zozie's assistance and ideas as she tries to establish her chocolate business but she soon realises that something sinister is about to occur. Vianne is particularly concerned about the relationship developing between Zozie and Anouk.

Three people tell this story - Vianne (Yanne), Anouk (Annie) and Zozie. It is very much a tale of relationships. It is also a tale of the use (or non use) of magic for good or evil. As in Chocolat the reader meets a variety of characters from the local community who frequent the shop. As well as protecting her family from Zozie, Vianne must also decide what lifestyle she really wants to live and who she wants to live it with.

The Lollipop Shoes, a darker tale than the first book, Chocolat, with a greater emphasis on the use of magic, folklore and fable, is a compelling continuation of the story of Vianne and her family.

This book was published in the United States under the title - The girl with no shadow.

Joanne Harris - The Lollipop Shoes.

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