The Hotel Avocado by Bob Mortimer is a continuation of the story of the lives of Gary and Emily who we originally met in The Satsuma Complex. Gary continues to work in a law firm in London while Emily has moved to Brighton where she is upgrading the hotel she has inherited from her father. Gary and Emily continue to meet in Brighton each weekend. In order to attract publicity for the hotel, Emily decides to purchase a model of a giant avocado to use as the hotel sign. However, before the avocado can be suspended from the balcony permission needs to be obtained from the local council and the chair of the planning department is known to be corrupt.
Meanwhile Gary has his own issues in London. He is working to help his elderly neighbour, Grace, have visiting rights to see her grand-daughter again. But then as the trial of the police who were arrested in the previous novel is looming, Gary is targeted by two men working for the criminals to persuade him not to attend the trial to give evidence that would convict them. His only solution is to disappear for awhile.
The story is told largely through the voices of Gary, Emily and Grace plus a fourth voice whose identity is only revealed at the end of the novel. The squirrel that Gary communicated with in the first book also makes an appearance.
The author's humour and quirky method of weaving a story is a feature of the book which will appeal to those who enjoy Bob Mortimer's quirky story-telling abilities. The result is a light, amusing enjoyable read.
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