Friday, February 28, 2025

The Bogan Book Club

James Larwood is employed by his brother, Larry as James works as a cleaner in a factory. James has several university degrees including a PhD but is unable to find another job because he spent a short time in prison. Working at the factory James meets a group of people with a variety of backgrounds and problems. Larry organises a variety of out of work activities for his staff. When James arrives he is asked to start a book club for anyone who is interested to attend.

In The Bogan Book Club John Larkin has written about a group of people who generally look out for each other. They also have a sense of humour as they also try to better their position in life. James soon realises that his fellow workers are not bogans.

Throughout the book are references to books being discussed by the group as well as other titles of books they may have read - or seen the film. We learn more about the characters at each book club meeting. There is a lot of humour in the book along with the discussion of serious issues. Towards the end of the book the members of the book club also find themselves solving a crime.

On the cover of the book, beneath the title, is the expression Don't judge a bogan by its cover. This proves to be sound advice.

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