Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Glorious Exploits

Glorious Exploits is the first novel by Irish author, Ferdia Lennon. The story is set in Syracuse in 412 BC during the Peloponnesian War - the conflict between Athens and Sparta that lasted from 431 until 404 BC. While attempting to invade Syracuse in Sicily the Athenians were defeated with many soldiers being captured and left to die in a quarry outside the town. Occasionally citizens from the town would visit the quarry to view the starving prisoners in their chains.

Gelon and Lampo are two unemployed potters who occasionally visit the quarry, taking small amounts of food and drink for some of the prisoners. Gelon, a fan of the plays of Euripides, decides to give food to those prisoners able to recite lines from plays, particularly Medea. Lampo agrees to help and the two men decide to become directors of a production to be staged in the quarry. As well as Medea they plan to stage another play by Euripides, The Trojan Women.

There are many challenges to be overcome before the performance but the two men push on enlisting assistance in obtaining finance, costumes, scenery, music and, of course, choosing the actors to perform the play. The play also needs to be promoted to ensure an audience for the performance. It is not smooth sailing but eventually it all comes together. Despite some initial hesitation, the plays appear to have made a good impression on the audience. Then disaster occurs.

There are many wonderful characters portrayed in this novel with its universal themes of friendship, loyalty, the horrors of war, compassion, love and loss, grief and how an appreciation of art and literature can be a unifying force for all people despite other differences.

The story is told by Lampo using Irish dialect. I found it took a while to work out what was going but after a few chapters I became thoroughly involved with the characters and story being told. Although the setting is more than two thousand years ago, unfortunately the message of the story is still valid today.

Glorious Exploits is the book read by the Monash Alumni Book Club in January 2025. 

History of Syracuse - Livius.org

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