Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Scar Town

Scar Town by Tristan Bancks is the winner of the 2024 Children's Book Council of Australia Book of the Year for Younger Readers. I borrowed a copy from the library and left it for my twelve year old grandson to find when we had our next reading session. As soon as he saw it his eyes lit up as he told me that they had been discussing this book at school. I then purchased a copy from Dymocks

Normally in our reading sessions my grandson and I share the reading - I often read the descriptive sections while he reads (and acts) the conversations or we might read alternate pages or paragraphs depending on the book. But this time my grandson picked up the book and started reading enthusiastically. I have not been allowed to read a word. Part way through the book he announced that this was the best book that he had ever read. But what is the book about?

Scarborough is a small town which has been drowned by a lake but during a drought some of the buildings appear again out of the water. Three children, Will, Dar and Juno (J), ride their bikes to the lake and swim to one of the houses. They break in and make a dramatic discovery. Will wants to inform the police but J asks him to wait for twenty-four hours while they attempt to discover information about what they have found.

This is a fast paced junior crime novel which keeps the reader guessing about what might have happened in the past. My grandson reads lots of books on his own as well as the books we enjoy reading together but, having observed his reaction to Scar Town, all I can say is thank you Tristan Bancks for writing a book that has captured my grandson's attention to such an extent. He has now investigated the school library for other books by this author.

Tristan Bancks sharing his inspiration for Scar Town - video.

Scar Town - CBCA

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