Friday, June 28, 2024

Houdini Unbound: mystery, music and flying machines

Melbourne 1910 and the escapologist, Harry Houdini, was in town, set to amaze the citizens with his often 'death-defying' acts. In Houdini Unbound, the work of historical fiction by Alan Attwood, we first meet Houdini as he prepares to jump off a bridge into the waters of the Yarra River. What occurred during this escapade haunts Houdini throughout the novel.

Houdini spent five weeks in Melbourne performing regularly at Rickard's Opera House but he also had plans for a greater endeavour. He planned to be the first person to fly an aeroplane in Australia.

As well as telling of Houdini's Australian adventures the novel provides a picture of a man who is only obsessed with the plans for his next project and is oblivious to the needs of those around him, particularly his wife and those who work closely with him.

Alan Attwood paints a picture of life in Melbourne in 1910. Many of the characters in the novel are based on actual people and events though, being a work of historical fiction, additional characters and events are included. The novel reveals a glimpse into a mainly forgotten interlude in Melbourne's history.

When Houdini came to Melbourne -  Museum of Lost Things

Houdini's Melbourne bridge jump (sans corpse) - Wild about Harry Houdini

Houdini visits Australia - State Library of Victoria

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