Thursday, November 17, 2022

The Bullet that Missed

This book arrived at the library the day before we were to set out for the National Over-70s Cricket Championships in Launceston. A book set in a retirement village with a group of older characters solving cold cases and preventing murders was the perfect book to take on such a holiday.

The Bullet that Missed is the third book in the the Thursday Murder Club mystery series by by Richard Osman. Once again Elizabeth, Joyce, Ron and Ibrahim investigate a cold case - a ten year old mystery  into what happenened to television journalist, Bethany Waites, whose body was never found after her car was found in the sea at the bottom of a cliff. 

But Elizabeth and her fiends are also in danger from another source. Elizabeth has been receiving mysterious, threatening messages. She is later instructed to kill a specific target or be killed. How can she protect her friends?

The four members of the Thursday Murder Club recruit additional helpers to assist them in their investigations. Meanwhile romance is in the air for Donna and Bogdan and between Pauline and Ron. This book is another enjoyable, amusing addition to the Thursday Murder Club series.

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