Monday, March 28, 2022

Burnt Out

The 2019-2020 bushfires raged through many parts of Australia including the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney. Calida Lyons had the car packed ready to leave her home in case of fire but was still unprepared when the fire approached her local community. Fortunately she was rescued by a neighbour whose house survived but Calida lost everthing.

When interviewed by an optunistic TV reporter about how she felt about losing her home, the new book she was writing and her cat, Calida did not hold back making it quite clear that everyone should be doing something about climate change. When her rant went viral Calida became a celebrity and her life suddenly changed. But was she really achieving what she set out to do or was she being manipulated by others with different agendas.

Eventually Calida must decide how she really wants to live her life and who her real friends are.

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