Saturday, November 27, 2021

The Twelve Jays of Christmas

Christmas is coming with the arrival of Donna Andrews' latest Christmas book, The Twelve Jays of Christmas. As you would expect it is a lot of fun. 

The story begins several days before Christmas and it is snowing. As well as visitors from Meg's extended family Meg and Michael have the 'pleasure' of having a cantankerous artist in residence in the library. His job is to paint pictures of birds for Meg's grandfather's new book and is currently camped at Meg's house having refused to work in the allocated place set up for him at the zoo. Then there are the two wombats in the basement, part of a biofluroscent project being undertaken by Meg's nephew, Kevin, for Meg's grandfather.

Michael and the boys are away for a short holiday involving snow actitities so Meg is kept busy juggling with expected and unexpected problems. Life becomes more complicated when a body is found in the library.

Meg's extended family rally around to help her solve challenges that arise, including the loss of power to the house for some time. Needless to say all problems are resolved in time for everyone to enjoy a festive Christmas.

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