Monday, October 4, 2021

The Nargun and the Stars

When Simon Brent moved from the city to Wongadilla, a New South Wales property owned by Charlie and Edie, he certainly did not expect the adventures that he was about to encounter. It was at Wongadilla that Simon encountered the Nargun, the Turongs, the Nyols and the Potkoorok - spirits and protectors of the swamp, the mountains and the surrounding bush. It was when land adjoining the property was being cleared that the spirits from Aboriginal legends that inhabited the area sought to protect their environment.

But the Pot Koorok, the Turongs and the Nyols were not only concerned about the grader and bulldozer encroaching on their space and destroying the trees - they were also concerned about the arrival of the Nargun, an ancient spirit rock that had arrived in their terrain after travelling 800 miles from Victoria. Simon, Charlie and Edie, with the help of the Potkoorok had to devise a plan to encourage the Nargun to move from their area.

The Nargun and the Stars won the Children's Book of the Year Award in 1974. A five part mini series based on the book was screened on the ABC in 1981. The Nargun and the Stars was also performed as a play in 2009.

A special edition of The Nargun and the Stars, illustrated with atmospheric drawings by Robert Ingpen, was published in 1988 after Patricia Wrightson the Hans Christian Andersen Medal award for writing and Robert Ingpen won the Hans Christian Andersen Medal illustration award in 1986.

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