Saturday, June 5, 2021

Fifty Fifty

Two sisters are arrested for the crime of killing their father. Each sister claims innocence and accuses the other sister of the crime. Who is guilty? Eddie Flynn is the defence lawyer for Sofia while Kate Brooks is defending Alexandra at a joint trial. The proscecutor does not care which sister (he would prefer both sisters) is convicted provided that he wins the case.

Fifty-fifty by Irish author, Steve Cavanagh, is set in New York. The story is told through the perspectives of Eddie and Kate, Sofia and Alexandra as defendants plus the viewpoint of She, the view of the sister who committed the crime. 

The story largely revolves around the crime, the compilation of the case by both legal teams and the case itself. The reader is aware that the killing of the father is not the only crime committed but in fact one of the sisters is a serial killer. The tension grows as the case proceeds as the jury must be convinced to make the right decision - difficult when they do not know the full story. A novel with lots of twists and turns as the plot unfurls.This book is number 5 in the Eddie Flynn series.

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