Monday, October 29, 2018

The Yellow Villa

This book by Amanda Hampson is about relationships. Ben and Mia Tiller purchase a house near the village of Cordes-sur-Ciel in southern France. They hope that the move from Australia to live in this village will help them resurrect their marriage. The discovery that Mia is unable to have a child has led to a period of depression. Although this is a character driven novel the history of the Tillers' house and its location are important to the the development of the story.

Mia speaks fluent French but Ben has the disadvantage of only knowing a few words. However Ben works in IT and can therefore work from home while Mia, an art teacher, struggles to understand what she really wants to do.  Meanwhile Dominic and Susannah Harrington, an older English couple, attempt to befriend the newcomers. But are the Harringtons who they say they are and why does the rest of the ex-pat community refuse to have anything to do with them? Gradually the truth is revealed. An enjoyable reading experience.

At the back of the book is a list of discussion points for book circles.

Secrets, scandals and karma - Better Reading

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